Spirit of Canada - Chapter of World Kindness

Jamboree Galaxy Heartland Festivals


Spirit of Canada is a Chapter of the World Kindness Club, created to accommodate Individuals, Community Groups, Businesses, Tourism Marketers and Entrepreneurs. By collaborating and partnering with World Kindness, these subscribers help to promote World Kindness Values and may access rewards that may be used to further their own marketing goals. We gather together annually and monthly, either physically or online. The Spirit of Canada Subscription to World Kindness is an Annual subscription reasonably priced at $99.90 per year CDN plus applicable taxes.  It includes an annual Canadian Showcase event in July (second weekend), access to our World Kindness Referral Programs, Team Building and Chapter Chartering Opportunities, Transformational Leadership Campaigns and a 3-5 minute Video Showcase Spot on our Showcase Network Website.

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